Psychotherapy and Counselling, Jersey,
Channel ISlands

Can I help?
There is no exhaustive list of issues that psychotherapy and counselling can help people with but there are some general areas listed below, to give you a flavour of how Welcome Change Therapy might support you. If the issue you are concerned with is not listed, please message me as it does not mean that I cannot help. If I feel that I am unable to support you with an issue, I will endeavour to refer you on to someone who can.
Issues Psychotherapy & Counselling might help with​
Anxiety-related issues
Emotional eating issues
Coping with trauma, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD
Issues around sexuality​
Work-related issues, eg stress, bullying
Couples counselling
Challenging life changes, eg family, job, home​
Coping with illness or injury
Marital/Relationship issues (for individuals)
Self-image and identity issues
General relationship issues
Existential issues, eg sense of meaning or purpose in life
Moving on from substance-dependent lifestyle
Anger issues and learning how to respond more appropriately